For Naval history fans, this is well known; otherwise less so. Probably one of the best examples of bravery in the Face of Certain Doom, and doing your duty anyway, that I have ever read. Although I wish this was given the Big Screen / Hanks/Spielberg treatment it deserves, go read Hornfischer's book and see if you don't agree. Then come back and follow the posts as I try to recreate the moment that Commander Evans decided to attack...
I need a number of supplies before work can begin. I want to get a nicely detailed model, and that means photoetch. I found a good looking set from Tom's Modelworks, set # 3557 designed for this specific Trumpeter kit. Voila!
Now to scan the kit vs the PE instructions. I used a highlighter to mark everyplace in the kit instructions where PE mod or replace was called for. The kit calls out places where the Sullivans (base kit) was in its 43 layout vs 45.
Admittedly, there are few photos of the Johnston as she was when she went down in 44. I am going with the '43' version wherever photos are not available.
First, a few observations regarding the Trumpeter kit. in terms of detail, cleanliness, and fit, it is not great. It is the correct square bridge. There have been no parts of the hull and superstructure which have not required some adjusting/filling/sanding. The 40mm and 20 mm mounts are chunky and lack fine detail. The main battery turrets are composed of 3 pieces, which like the hull require seam filling. Blast bags are not depicted.
According to available references, the Johnston was in measure 21 during the battle off Samar. I don't have and 20B Deck Blue ,or 5N Navy Blue in my Paint Horde, so I'll order some, going with TCP Acrylics - meaning everything will need to be primed. I've also ordered up Warship Pictorials Late Fletchers book for additional photo references, which should help as the PE instructions are rather Spartan, especially when it comes to details on the Mast. It may also help determine what version of the gun director and radar to choose.
While I wait for those items, let's begin sub assemblies, starting with some superstructure.
To facilitate painting, I will build it in sections more easily masked, before stacking.
(Do you prefer your gap at the bow or the stern? I chose stern, less detail to sand away)
Despite the finish work, it's not a large ship and the basic shapes build up quickly. Moving on to the PE work, where I can.
The stack cap PE was simple; getting the stack ready was not. Thick plastic took drilling and carving to remove the kit bits and open it up. some thick ACC stuck the new one on.
Kit 20mm x 8 in progress. Chunky and lacking much detail, carve off the cast gun shield and start adding PE.
Add the shoulder rest, sight, gun shield and handwheel, times 8. The PE set offers a tripod base you have to assemble. I decided not to...
the '43 version has 5 twin barrel 40mm mounts. You carve off the kit back rail, and add the PE rail, the seats (super fiddly and delicate) and the sights.
I do a lot of test fitting to keep up morale. It may be a few days pause while I wait for my paints and book to arrive.
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